SICOMO is a web environment solution for legal compliance, audits and nonconformities management of organizations in the aviation sector. This post is going to show how SICOMO works with create an auditor and inspector profile.
SICOMO, allows you to create for each Personnel or External Personnel, an auditor or inspector profile. This profile is associated with each department that has been created in the Organization Deparments tab.
In this way you can configure the people who can be Auditors or Inspectors for each department that your company has.

These profiles can be created through the Audit and Inspector Profile button in the External Personnel tab as shown on the screen.

Once here, you can select the desired person in the dropdown and with the add button you can select if that person can Audit or Inspect the selected department. You can also select if that person just can audit a certain process inside the department.
When an audit or inspection is carried out, for example an audit of the Ground Operations Department, you will only be able to select in the auditor’s assignment tab the people who have the auditor or inspector configuration for that department previously created in Auditor and inpector profile.

If you want more information you can request for a DEMO as soon as you want.

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